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About two years ago on Facebook I had the honor to meet Jeff Duke and his music. He is a really creative and talented ambient guitarist based in Ocala, Florida. Soon we had mutual repect for our music and we found a very similar creative approach. One day he told me that there was an online system called Ninjam. This protocol is used by many artists in the world, and let two or more online musicians play together in a virtual jam session. Morover, using a specific DAW software called Reaper, musicians can record their sessions into separate tracks for further editing and mixing. We cought this as a perfect chance to play together and see if our worlds, 6000 miles apart, could have been joined. Since 2009 we had several sessions, in which we found a common feeling in improvising ambient electronic music. It was a weird situation, we felt a kind of brotherhood even if we didn't meet in person. Later we had the opportunity to meet in real life at the Y2KX International Livelooping Festival. In that week, October 2010, we shared not only our music, but even the same hotel room, the same car (we used to call it the "USIT mobile"), we spent a wonderful week of music and brotherhood, together with the other loopers as well.
This is the birth of USIT, our 6000 miles wide ambient guitar duo. We made also online streaming concerts, using separate webcams, images, hosted in websites. We played really together :-) our liveset at the Y2KX. We released on Bandcamp 3 albums. We will continue meeting online hoping for a next real reunion, who knows...
Click on the covers below to listen and download our music
This is the birth of USIT, our 6000 miles wide ambient guitar duo. We made also online streaming concerts, using separate webcams, images, hosted in websites. We played really together :-) our liveset at the Y2KX. We released on Bandcamp 3 albums. We will continue meeting online hoping for a next real reunion, who knows...
Click on the covers below to listen and download our music

Check out this video excerpt of our set at the Y2KX.
Wonderful my friend, I do hope that someday we will meet again in meatspace, but the memories live on in my heart!
RispondiEliminaSame for me, mate. For me, this project, our jam, or friendship will never end. All in all, life is long and the world can be such a tiny place sometime that we could "meat" again. :-)
RispondiEliminaNo, I'm not stalking you, lol...just getting acquainted with your music...very psychedelic cool! (-: