venerdì 26 agosto 2011

2010, Dashdot, an ImprovRelease

- english -

download @ Bandcamp

This is my last release (May 2010), available on Bandcamp. It contains tracks taken from my posts on the ImprovFriday website.
All tracks are improvised and played live looping with my EDP+ and effects.

ImprovFriday is a community of musicians and sound makers joining from each part of the world, from Thursday to Saturday of every week of the year.
The moderators (usually, J.C. Combs, Steve Layton...) set a thread and the members, under the flag "improvising or bust", post their audio tracks to share. Every week, hours of music and sounds that goes from ambient to minimal, from noise to field recordings, are posted free to listen and download, commented by this active community. It is a good creative pool where one can share ideas, projects, techniques, new collaborations come to life. There are blogs, forums, social media, weekly events such as livestreaming gigs.
A perfect place for an artist who has no creative boundaries.

2 commenti:

  1. You're mostly welcome. I always love the IF community.
    I'll come back to post somethng, someday :)
