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Gnostic Guitar Vol 1
(follow your instinct)
(follow your instinct)
Moving my first steps into “live looping” in 2006, I realized that improvisation could be an interesting approach to follow. Mostly is near to my creative criteria. This is the basis of the Gnostic Guitar concept.
In the blog area of my profile in Myspace there are few lines explaining what I intellectually wanted to mean with "Gnostic Guitar" or whatever... Click here to read it, and good luck!
How I did it? Simply recording my improvisations with guitar, loop and effects into a single stereo track and choosing the more interesting takes later. The only editing I made was only cutting some redundant sections.
Then, it was natural collecting the tracks into an album named Gnostic Guitar Vol 1 (yes, Vol 1! I wouldn't stop with this one).
In these years something deeply changed in distribuiting music, both in indie and major contexts.
Since then, I “produced” my releases as much nice and less expensive as possible (just like any other unsigned artist) and distributed to friends or occasional fans in livesets and gigs or sent them to magazines for a review.
But now... now there's the world wide web! Not that this implies that anyone can be a superstar but I think there are more chances to reach the right audience.
And so, for me, it was. I met online Robert Nunnally and Verian Thomas who managed the netlabel Negative Sound Institute (NSI). They released Gnostic Guitar Vol 1 on March 2007.
In about three years GG Vol 1 gets more than 2500 downloads and it is reviewed in specific ambient websites. I'm glad about this. I can say that my new “ambient season” started from here.
Here are the links to download your free copy of Gnostic Guitar Vol 1
download @ Negative Sound Institute netlabel
download @ Bandcamp
download @ Jamendo
Gnostic Guitar Vol 2
(layer your instinct)
(layer your instinct)
About an year later GG Vol 1 was released, I started composing Gnostic Guitar Vol 2.
I wanted to take the concept of “extemporary composition” to a next level, composing songs in which the improvisation was layered. So, the recording of the first track in each multitrack recording became a kind of leading thread for the further takes.
GG Vol 2 appear to be a collection of short songs, an exhibition of faceted sonic paintings. You can identify recursing themes and schemes. This is certainly due to a not well defined rationalizing process... The album opening has lyrics too.
Just like any other music experience I had this one artistically enriched me.
NSI released Gnostic Guitar Vol 2 on october 2008.
The sharing policy of this netlabel brought my music to some video artists attention. Sam Renseiw in particular created several videos with soundtracks taken from both releases. Here it is my blogpost with all these clips collected.
Here are the links to download your free copy of Gnostic Guitar Vol 2
download @ Negative Sound Institute netlabel
download @ Bandcamp
download @ Jamendo
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