martedì 26 novembre 2013

Parlano di noi

Lo scorso Venerdì, 22 novembre, su Radio Kairos è andato in onda il programma Save the netlabel, radio show dedicato alla musica indipendente, alle netlabel e alla cultura dello sharing gratuito grazie alla Creative Commons.
Questa volta Uden e Aghana, speakers del programma, hanno voluto dedicare la puntata a Sucu Music.
Hanno messo su tanta musica tratta dalle due release che abbiamo al momento, e a metà programma mi hanno anche chiamato per un'intervista telefonica, dove si è parlato di netlabel, di discografia, di musica indipendente, di passione per la musica e per le libere esperessioni artistiche e creative. Una piacevolissima ora e mezza che ripeterò volentieri.
Grazie "Save the netlabel"!

Clicca qui per ascoltare il podcast di tutta la puntata

venerdì 22 novembre 2013

My new release on Sucu Music netlabel

I'm twice proud to announce that my new release, Music For Toys Meditation is out now in free download at Sucu Music netlabel.

Proud once, cos' "a new 'something' for a musician is like having a new birth for a family". And it's just the way I feel.
Proud twice, cos' it has been released by the netlabel project I started some months ago with some friends.
Cover art, pencil drawing by Paolo Fastuca.
Almost all the tracks contain my first steps in a new kind of approach in playing live only with a guitar and an iPad.
Visit the release page, download it and feedback me somehow if you like.

mercoledì 20 novembre 2013

Sucu Music my idea for a netlabel

Sucu Music netlabel
the ambient electronic experimental place for free music

All the Sucu Music releases are in free download and published under the Creative Commons license 3.0

click here to start your free music experience

I always looked at the netlabels world with much interest cos' I believe that music distribution has deeply changed in these years and the old building of the traditional discography system is crumbling down, no matter what they can do sheltering to new distribution services as online streaming or online pay-per-downloads.
I had beautiful experiences with the netlabels I dealed with (Negative Sounde Institute above all).
Since the "web for all" as a new form of communication appeared to the world scene I've experienced how certain kind of music and artistic expressions could have never been distributed via the "traditional" music channels. They don't "produce" money and so they are of no interest to the commercial discography, but they DO HAVE an audience, larger than one can expect.
That's why I personally think that netlabels start where discography ends. And that's the reason why netlabels MUST distribute online music for free, protecting the artists at the same time.
The hard matter that a pro musician however has to be paid somehow, but a non-pro musician can produce valid music and be named artist as well as the pro, is a subject too complex and too long to discuss here, so let's discard it.

Sucu Music is my idea for a netlabel, created with the help of some friends on September 2013.

Sucu Music mainly was born driven by two needs:
1. I was tired of publishing on music sites things that was hard to make listen to people, despite of the social sharing efforts (no fear to admit it).
2. I thought that creating a netlabel only for my music woud have been quite stupid, so... let's do something not only for me but for the "bleeding art and artists" (Pink Floyd, The Wall), favoring local projects first, and all the creative musicians dealing with ambient electronic and experimental music with all their "manifestation and hybridization" (Tony Colina).

Who's helping me in this project?
Luca Sproviero, creative drummer, musician and producer, fond in good music, reading and single malt.
Tony Colina, talented pianist, multi-instrumentalist, writer, painter and... beer
Vincenzo Scuderi, smart web designer, music photography and comics lover, biker

Here is our manifesto, written by Tony, taken from the "About" section of the netlabel site.

Sucu Music is a netlabel based in Enna, Sicily, Italy. It started its operations in September 2013 and its aim is to produce and promote stimulating music entities, both local and otherwise.
The musical genres it deals with are ambient, experimental music, electronic music, improvisation in all their possible incarnations, manifestations and hybridizations.
Sucu Music wants to be a space wherein all the relational dynamics between and among these genres can develop and interact, bouncing from a field to the other as in a hall of mirrors, or a network of cross-references, led only by the musicians’ creativity and artistic feeling. A space wherein the freedom of musical action is not smothered by any restrictive logics of a commercial nature.
All the Sucu Music releases are meant for free downloading and published under Creative Commons License 3.0